Back To The Drawing Board? We Never Left!

Back To The Drawing Board? We Never Left!

Talking to users and relying on the gained insights is the first step. However, the intuitiveness of a piece of software is meticulously created by applying principals of cognitive science. It takes a user a fraction of a second to determine if they like or dislike an app - subconscious signals that are either intentionally or sometimes unintentionally emitted by a piece of software sets the stage for an app’s intrigue, comfort, usability and acceptance.

If  the humanization of design is not applied - understanding the mind’s inherent flaws, weaknesses and tendencies - then users will “short-circuit” and get “app angry”.  The human reality must be present in everything we do. Cognitive load theory, including intrinsic, extraneous, germane and many other principals of cognitive  science have to be carefully and consistently applied to create the very best product – an ecstatic end user!

If the humanization of design is not applied - understanding the mind’s inherent flaws, weaknesses and tendencies - then users will “short-circuit” and get “app angry”. The human reality must be present in everything we do. Cognitive load theory, including intrinsic, extraneous, germane and many other principals of cognitive science have to be carefully and consistently applied to create the very best product – an ecstatic end user!

Breaking Down The "Dam" Process

What is “process damming”? Besides the explicatives frequently used during development – “process damming” is a bi-product of well intended but misdirected planning and execution. Bloated staffing, elongated roadmaps and frustrating lapses in effective communications - create dams that obstruct breakthrough, strategic & creative development as well as, fluid production processes.

WhatWorks utilizes a Lean F.L.U.I.D. process focused on User and Stakeholder value, created in an energized, collaborative environment. Our staffing models are built on talented , passionate associates – not   “resources”.  We apply the right people for the job.  Our communications are detailed, effective and efficient, and our thinking is focused on asking (and answering) the Why and creating a Wow and a Win for our clients!

What is “process damming”? Besides the expletives frequently used during development – “process damming” is a bi-product of well intended but misdirected planning and execution. Bloated staffing, elongated roadmaps and frustrating lapses in effective communications - create dams that obstruct breakthrough, strategic & creative development as well as, fluid production processes.

WhatWorks utilizes a Lean F.L.U.I.D. process focused on User and Stakeholder value, created in an energized, collaborative environment. Our staffing models are built on talented , passionate associates – not   “resources."We apply the right people for the job.  Our communications are detailed, effective and efficient, and our thinking is focused on asking (and answering) the Why and creating a Wow and a Win for our clients!

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Initial Strategic Framing Session Is Always Free!

Ready to get started?

Initial Strategic Framing
Session Is Always Free!

Ready to get started?

Initial Strategic Framing Session
Is Always Free!